Lady Gaga's video just dance features many of the house party theme. Can't upload the video here as it's not allowed, but it also features the plastic cups that suggests alcohol use for a good time. It also features crowded shots, representing the chaotic fun nature of house parties. The usual making a mess and trashing the place is also apparent, like when Lady Gaga pours champagne/ alcohol all over the room. Loud music and distorted camera angles are used to show partying hard. We may use the idea of canted angles and speakers as well. Toward the end of the video, the video manipulates time by speeding it up creating distortion. We may also use the manipulation of time, as it slowing it down, like in the adidas advert made it look quite cool. We have looked at video directors that manipulate time and this is something we are looking to link in with our work.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Textual Analysis for BEP I got a feeling
-Getting ready for the party first
-Arriving at the party
-Paper cups
-Hot pants
-Slow motion used as an effect
-Wigs and partly fancy dress
-Jumping on furniture
-Sunglasses on inside
-Glow paint
-UV lighting
-Glow sticks
-Piling on sofas
-Writing and drawing
-Laying on grass
Textual Analysis of Keisha - Tik Tok
Here are some of the key features of a house party found in this music video-
-Waking up in bath
-Shocking parents
-House a mess
-Hotpants-- links to pixie lottd image
-Bright lights
-Dancing crowds
-Paper cups
-Sunglasses inside
-People slumped out accross sofas
-Finishes where it begins- at house morning after, main artist in bathtub.
Some of these really fit in well with our ideas for our 'Here we go again' video. Such as; Waking up at the start of the video after a party and then reliving it, ending the video back at the start with the main artist waking back up, the hotpants used fit in well with Pixie Lotts image, in fact most of the list will be part of our music video somewhere.
Textual Analysis of Adidas House Party Advert
Adidas launched this video to promote their products. The video is very useful and there are aspects of it which we think we will recreate. It's a good example of partying hard in a house and having fun, which we want to portray in our video. The use of celebrites such as Katy Perry and David Beckham helps to promote their brand, linking to the cult of celebrity, and make it look a cool place to be. We won't be able to do this in our video, but can use the clothing and mise on scene ideas that are in the advert.
The 'painting on the wall' aspect that is present in this advert was something we are already interested in doing, but had a problem working out how we could do it. This advert may have solved this, as they paint on peices of paper that are stuck onto a wall rather than paint directly onto the wall, which we might do insetad. We also wanted to use the idea of something smashing in our video, which is used in the advert too. This is also linked to the partying hard attitude and the idea that anything can happen. We want to show a bit alcohol use in our video as part of the 'house party' theme, and the plastic cups in this advert might be a way of doing that, as it's not directly implying that they are drinking a lot. The dancing, singing and having a laugh ideas shown in the advert are all things we want to convey in our video.
Textual Analysis of Skins Series 1 House Party
This is another example of the house party been used in media. Here are some of the key elements shown in this clip-
- Jumping on beds
- Crouded houses
- Smashing household objects
- People laying in different places i.e. bathtubs
- Fast movement
- People slumped over eachother
- Writing on objects e.g; walls and mirrors
Textual Analysis
We have decided to locate our video in a house for a house party theme instead of originally setting it in a club. This will be easier to recreate but also more fitting with Pixie Lott's image and her fans. Recently house parties have been frequently used in videos and adverts to relate to a younger audience. The house party theme is increasingly popular today for younger people and has featured in a wide range of media. We have been analysing Lady Gaga, an advert for Adidas, Black Eyed Peas, Keisha and a well known teen tv drama Skins. See above blogs.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Ancillary Task - CD cover
Friday, 20 November 2009
so far...
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Costume Ideas Continued
We decided to have some of our party goers wearing carnival/Venetian masks throughout the video to add to the disorientation of being drunk or hung over. We thought it would look good for people to occasionally see a masked person. It would make them want to watch the video again to make sure that they had seen what they thought they had seen.
We also want to keep Pixie's look, so we are going to have hot pants and a party top for our main girl to wear.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Focus Group Analysis
This is the focus group we held. We chose a few songs and artists which were either similar to our video or we like the directors ideas and played the song through once (without imagery) to gage what they thought the video should be like, and then once through (with the imagery) to see what they liked and didn't like.
Are audience are all female between 16-18, as this is our peer group and target audience.
They liked the idea of a narrative based video where the artist appeared natural and relaxed. The enjoyed the simplicity of the Boy and Girls video and suggested a carnival theme for our video after hearing the opening of the song. However, with no carnivals being available to us very easily we decided to use the carnival masks in the video, (also because some of the audience liked the "Pixie" masks in the Boys and Girls video).
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Florence and the Machine
This video, which unfourtunately we can't embed, is really good for the canaval theme. The wide shot followed by tracking shots at the begginning sets the scene of the 'morning after', whilst close ups create a feeling of confusion and disorientation which is the look we were thinking of using for the beginning of our music video.
This video is also good for our idea of having lots of people and then just her.
Carnival mise-en-scene research
A good example of what we were thinking of is in the David Bowie film 'Labyrinth', but more carnival less goblin.
The masquerade theme would fit well with the opening sound that sounds like a fair ground / carnival. However we feel that it would be difficult to set it at a fair ground because of our other idea of having our main character dancing in a club. So by having a masquerade theme in the video it fits both ways. There's more of the carnival example in the video below which is also from Labyrinth.
Friday, 6 November 2009
Girls - girls night out
Two friends to get ready with - leave her on the dance floor so shes the 'only one on the dance floor' = narrative.
- Hot pants (to keep in sync with Pixie's image)
- Leather jackets (")
- Quwerky clothing
PJ's - for waking up
Carnaval dress - taken from audience research
High heels - for the party scenes
Location Suggestions
Bury St Edmunds - this is mostly the area availiable to us but Lizzy can drive so we may think about shooting in the surrouding areas.
Clubs - we really wanted an authentic dance floor but we still need to organise this.
Fairground - this was taking from our audience research that will be posted today or tomorrow. but legistically this will be difficult to do so we were thinking that we would represent the carnaval theme through costumes instead.
Brick Wall - to keep in sync with Pixie Lott's image.