Monday, 25 January 2010


Although we got a great amount of filming done wednesday night, we still have a few more shots to get and after uploading the shots we realised a couple of parts we need to reshoot. We are as yet to set a date for this, but here is what we need :

  • The overlay shots of Pixie, dancing on the table, sitting on the floor and dancing were too close together losing some of her arms etc so we need to leave a bigger gap between the shots
  • A shot of pixie dancing on her own
  • A bigger cast so the idea of a house party looks more effective
  • Laying on the sofa, original shot too obscure and needs too look more party like
  • Mirror reverse shots
  • Dancing in the line, look a bit fake, which will also be helped by a bigger cast
  • Extreme close ups of pixie singing
  • Writing on the face shot
  • Vase smashing shot
  • Alarm clock shot
  • Getting up and walking out of the bedroom for continuity shot
  • Spinning disco ball / light shot
  • General party shots are needed to create more of a sense of a house party.
Hopefully these can all be obtained on the next shoot, we got loads done on the first shooting so i think we can.

1 comment:

  1. good detail in isolating what shots you still need. great evidence on ongoing evaluation here. like the new banner too - very glitzy!
