Friday, 4 December 2009

Analysis of Katy Perry's official fan site

Katy's website is created by TMM who have also done projects for artists and bands like; Lilly Allen, One Republic, Mick Jagger and Lenny Kravitz.

There is a page before you get to the website that has a large picture of the artist (Katy Perry), with adverts for itunes, downloads, trailers to performance, an advert for a number you can call Katy on and a link to the main website.

The colour theme is pink, blue and white
Katy Perry is the main focus point as there is a large photo of her down the the left hand side.

Her name is in bubble writing, the same writing thats on her album.
The menu bar has links to; home, news, shows, dear diary, lyrics, pix, whos that girl?, telly, extra and store.

Theres a news box on the homepage where fans can add things to, a reel of pics, telly, dear diary.

Adverts down the right hand side for downloading her new single and album and her online store. there are also links to street team, myspace, message board, ringtones, mailing list, and a Make your very own Katy Perry ringtone link.

At the bottom of the page there is another menu with links to; Home, news, shows, dear diary, lyrics, pix, bio, telly, extras, forum, myspace, sign up, ringtones and store.

This website is quite different to others for similar artists as it contains lots of colour. others tend to be quite muted skins and just have coloured picture of themselves to draw attention.

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